5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Marketing Agency

We all know that marketing is imperative to ensure the success of our businesses and brands. But with all the options out there in the world how do you pick the best marketing agency for your brand? It’s easy to google them but you need to know that your marketing agency of choice can deliver results and help you to not just gain awareness and sales but also build your brand the way you envision it. 

Before you sign that contract with your marketing agency you want to make sure you ask these questions. It’s not only a way for you to vet the agency but also to see if the agency’s values align with your business. 

Here are the 5 top questions you want to ask: 

1. Who are some of their past clients? 

You want to know what successes this agency had in the past. It’s also a great way to gauge if the agency is working across different industries. 

2. What kind of services do they offer? 

Is this agency a one-stop-shop of they are specializing in something specific. Depending on your needs a specialty agency may be a fit for your business. 

3. Who will be your point person at the agency? 

Get to know who will be working on your account. It’s easier to have a point person that you can communicate with regularly as opposed to having to connect with five different people from different departments. 

4. What does the ramp-up phase consist of? 

Here is where you’ll get an idea of how the inner workings of how the agency operates with clients. 

5. Do they do test campaigns with new clients? 

Some agencies offer a paid test campaign that allows potential clients to work with them for a few months so they get a feel for the agency. Test campaigns may be a great way to see the capabilities of an agency and not shell out large amounts of money right away. 

The Chi Group

Award-winning PR agency working with inspirational talents in TV/Film. 


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