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5 Tips For Managing Your Personal Brand

Managing your personal brand may seem like an impossible task these days, especially in today’s “look-at-me culture,” dubbed by Goldie Chan. It’s become a must not just for brand’s founder but also for those in the workplace. Between influencers and thought leaders how would one even start to develop a personal brand, let alone manage it? 

Here are our top tips on how to manage your personal brand 

1. Know Yourself 

It’s important to know what your core values are and what you believe in, same as when it comes to creating a business. This is where you want to think about your story, your passion and how you can use all of that to craft a brand. 

2. Being Consistent 

Once you have figured out your story it now time to go into the marketplace. When you’re creating content, doing interviews, or even speaking you want to be consistent about your messaging. This avoids confusing people. 

3. Keep It Real 

Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. It’s always easier to tell your own story than it is telling someone else’s. Plus people can see if you’re not being genuine. 

4. Letting Others Tell Your Story 

We all know the power of media. So why not have other people tell your story? Positioning yourself as an expert will always help get you there. How do you do it? Simply by putting out content whether it’s blog articles, videos, writing a book, whatever it is just get moving. There’s no way people can tell your story if they don’t who you are. 

5. Create Opportunities 

This one always sounds easy but in reality many people get stuck on this part because they don’t want to come off as sleazy or some self-absorbed person. But it’s a necessary part of building your brand, if it’s something that makes you queasy, then you can hire a professional to help you secure opportunities.