5 Influencer Marketing Trends For 2020

As we gear up for 2020, what will happen with Influencer marketing? This year we’ve seen major changes in the marketplace from Instagram removing likes to the introduction of new categories of influencers and so much more.

Brands will continue to allocate their budgets towards influencer marketing. Estee Lauder, for example, is rumored to allocate 75% of their marketing budget to influencer marketing in 2020. According to Later, “Influencer marketing is on pace to become an $8 billion dollar industry in 2020.” Here are the top 5 Influencer Marketing Trends for 2020 that’s going to be trending:

1. No More Likes

So many people on the social media space get hung up on the number of likes. Ever since Instagram removed likes many have applauded the move as it promotes more human to human connection and focuses more on authentic content.

2. Video Content is King

Video is going to continue to be the go-to source of content creation. Influencers are finding that it’s more authentic and less curated while building the human connection.

3. Micro and Nano Influencer Continue Rise

Many brands are finding success in working with micro and nano influencers. Studies have shown that micro-influencers have the highest engagement rate, sitting at a whopping 7%.

4. Less Editing More Real

Influencers are starting to steer away from the curated feeds and embracing more of the real-life unfiltered posts that truly reflect their life. It’s important to ask yourself what kind of emotion are you really looking to elicit from your audience?

5. Long Term Partnerships Are More Important

Gone are the days of one-off’s, what’s trending is the long-term partnerships. Brands realize the value of creating long term relationships that are much more integrated with their influencers.


The Chi Group

Award-winning PR agency working with inspirational talents in TV/Film. 


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