How to Manage Your Client’s Expectations

No one wants a client that's unhappy with the outcome of a PR professional’s work. It can hurt your reputation and relationships with the client. In the PR field, reputation is largely responsible for customer acquisition — meaning the extra effort you take shows. Taking the time to learn about the client in a holistic way provides you and the client with a clear vision of how the partnership will work. Some clients have more need and others, which makes it even MORE important to manage their expectations! 

Here are our tips from The Chi Group about how you can handle your clients’ needs like a pro.

Set Goals With Your Client

While working with a client, it's crucial to set goals so everyone is on the same page. These mutually agreed upon goals help steer the campaign and keep you and your client on track. It's important to help the client understand where they stand in the market. If the client is a smaller company, explain how securing coverage for their size business has worked in the past and where they can expect to see growth. When setting goals it's also important to be honest and authentic. If a client doesn’t feel like they can trust you or vice versa, MAJOR red flag alert.

Never Overpromise

 It’s important to be realistic with your client about what your partnership will look like. While you might not be able to get them on the next red carpet premiere, you can still deliver high-quality publicity. The key is to never over promise what you and your team can accomplish. When you say that you ‘might’ be able to deliver a product in a week, the client hears a yes and suddenly the project that was a possibility can’t be delivered . Allow yourself and your team room for the unexpected and always deliver the best possible results to your client. Be transparent about what your team will accomplish. Trust is crucial to maintaining a healthy client relationship, and you don't want to lose what you've built up all for an unrealistic project to never see the light of day! 

Don't Be Afraid to Set Boundaries

Should I answer this email after hours? Do I tell my client I can’t answer their calls during meetings? These are things PR professionals deal with daily as we navigate boundaries. 

Set a limit on your time. This means communicating with your clients what your working hours are. Let them know that when those hours have passed, you’ll be happy to respond once you're back at work. Creating an expectation of how and when to communicate helps issues that may arise later. Another way to set a boundary is by setting a form of communication to use with the client. Sure, your client may prefer to email you all general questions and call if the situation is urgent. However, after five phone calls, three emails and multiple texts, it’s time to set a boundary about how to reach you.

Now that your client knows what to expect from your team, you can carry out a successful PR campaign that is a win for your client AND you! Just don’t forget to not bite off more than you can chew.

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Katelyn Norwood

Katelyn is a senior majoring in public relations and minoring in journalism. When this Massachusetts native is not typing up a storm, you can find her exploring Boston, working at Suffolk Performing Arts, and passionately talking about the latest political issue with a hot chai latte. One day Katelyn hopes to be working on the editorial side of the magazine industry.

Follow Katelyn on Twitter @katelyn_norwood


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