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20 Creative PR Content Marketing Ideas

The goal of public relations is to raise awareness for brands and communicate with the public. Each PR campaign has specific goals and objectives that differ from brand to brand. Right now we are in a content-driven marketing initiative, where content is coming in all forms from videos, to written and even audio. So PR has become a diverse far-reaching effort to communicate with the world. Add in there the rise of various social media outlets, we have a medley of ways that brands get to connect with the world. Challenges arise when we are spread too thin across various platforms which runs the risk of watering down our PR messaging and further confusing customers. 

Each PR campaign you run you also want to be strategically thoughtful in the kinds of content you are sharing with your audience. If you need some inspiration here are 20 creative ideas that you can execute right away. 

1. Offer A List of Benefits 

Most of us love lists, so this would be a great way to showcase the benefits of your brand and how it can change your customers’ lives. It doesn’t have to be a long list, just enough points to pique the interest of your audience. 

2. Share a List of Things To Avoid 

We all want to be prepared so of course sharing a list of what to avoid would help us to lead better lives even if it means interacting with a brand. 

3. Must Do’s List 

This helps your audience to streamline to the most basic important points of what they need to do to take action now. 

4. Question of The Week 

It’s a fun way to engage your audience to get them involved in the story. Asking them to send you their questions and then highlighting the question(s) will show your customers that you are actively listening. 

5. Weekly Round-Ups 

These are great to use for newsletters, blogs, or podcasts. It gives the audience a quick update without being long-winded.

6. Predicting Future Trends 

By using this method it’s a great way to also position yourself as an expert in whatever industry you’re in. 

7. Behind The Scenes Moments 

We’re always curious to see what goes into creating anything. This also gives customers the feeling that they are being invited into something that not everyone has access to. 

8. Interview Industry Experts 

We all want to hear from experts. It’s how we learn and evolve as humans. 

9. Tip of The Day 

These are similar to Instagram quote cards, they can be quotable’s and easily shared with others. 

10. Step-By-Step Demonstration 

Many people want to know how they can do things themselves, so tapping into the DIY space can also help your brand gain awareness. 

11. Create a “Did You Know” Feature 

This lets people learn about new happenings or new features for your products and brand. 

12. Reporting Polls 

Most of us are willing to take a quick poll or answer a few short questions, so why not utilize this and share your findings with customers. 

13. Create a Weekly Video Tip 

Long-form content can also be useful when it comes to sharing in-depth information about your product especially if your product is a more visual type of product. 

14. Featuring a Celebrity or Influencer 

We all know the power of celebrities and influencers, by featuring them it can give your brand a quick boost in awareness. 

15. Request Videos From Your Customers 

Another way to get your audience involved is to ask them for videos of them using your product or sharing insights about your product. Maybe creative ways they’ve used your product can also be a fun creative way to share with your audience. 

16. Ask Your Customers 

Out of creative content ideas? Ask your audience for input to see what they want to learn from you

17. Showcasing Products in Unique Places 

For a lighter touch, sometimes a photo is just enough. Showcase your product in places where you probably wouldn’t have imagined. This can evoke laughter and engagement. 

18. Surprising Facts 

There’s something about surprising facts that always get the audience excited. 

19. Infographics Are Still Hot 

Infographics aren’t going away, it’s a fun quick way to share a ton of valuable information

20. Tell Secrets 

People love secrets and when you share certain brand secrets with your audience it can make them feel like they are closer to the brand.

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