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7 Marketing Trends Brands Can't Ignore

The marketing landscape is changing at what seems like lightning speeds. It seemed like it was just yesterday when banner ads seem to be the hottest thing. Fast forward and we’re now debating all types of different content and if they are still even relevant to consumers. 

As we shift in the way we as consumers consume content, brands need to be nimble enough to shift alongside their customers to meet their needs. If all this seems daunting or scary to you don’t fret, technology can not and will not take over the human to human interaction. Matter of fact human interaction will still be key but technology will just be a conduit or complement to human interaction. 

So what’s really shaping up to be some of the marketing trends that we no longer can ignore? Here are the top 8 marketing trends brands need to pay attention to:

1. Voice Search 

This category isn’t going away, a matter of fact it’s going to be growing even more so. Think Alexa and Siri. With the increasing popularity of voice search make sure your brand is optimizing all or part of your content marketing. So what do you optimize for search? Well to start with, the important aspect of your business, the short blurb that shows up on search results. 

2. Relevant and Creative Content 

Consumers are still interested in content that will relate to them. Relevant content is shown to increase sales and create original content that positively engages your customers. 

3. Different Content-Length To Better Connect 

Today our customers will connect with you differently so by making sure that you have content at every length and style is going to be key. Some customers are still into the old fashioned reading a blog post while others want to listen in on a podcast driving to work. Or maybe they want to watch a 15-second video. Whatever content you create keep in mind that different customers want different types of content. 

4. Engagement Is The New Metric 

It’s easy to buy followers now and brands are starting to get hip to the game so they are now using engagement as one of the measures of success. Based on recent study brands across industries are stating that look for 3% or more engagement rate when working with influencers. 

5. Social Media Stories 

Lately with all the algorithm changes on Instagram has many of us a bit lost in the sauce. But do start to take a look at integrating social media stories into your marketing campaign. It’s a fun and quick way that customers get a glimpse of your brand. 

6. Choose The Right Influencers 

There are plenty of influencers out there who create all types of content. Make sure your brand is picking the right influencer(s) to align with your messaging. Do some research about your picks. 

7. Rise of AI

AI is a growing category as it can collect large amounts of data for businesses. If left to humans it would take a lot of manpower and not to mention hours to collect all the information. AI is also a tool that businesses are using to create lead generation.