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3 Happiness Strategies for Brands

Happiness is somewhat of a quest for humanity no matter where you go in the world. That is also true when it comes to brands. Today when brands create moments and experiences that bring joy to our customers it has the potential of having our customers coming back to us over and over again.

We all know what happiness feels like but how can we as brands create happiness at scale? Is it even possible? We’re here to tell you it’s possible. But if you’re wondering if having a happiness strategy is it even worth the trouble, well it’s worked for global brands from Target to McDonald's.

Here are 3 strategies to create happy brands.

1. Make Us Feel We’re Part of Something Bigger

These brands know how to get consumers to feel connected to a global good. According to Ned Russel, Managing Director of Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, “These are brands aligned with a purpose. It’s not something you need an MBA to understand-more a promise or a mantra of virtue. Those virtues are built into the product and the experience.” Let’s take Prius drivers for example, they are part of an environmentally-friendly group of consumers, helping to change the world one mile at a time. Russell believes that “In helping consumers to support something they believe in by making a purchase, brands with a mission are making their customers happy people.”

2. Make Us Feel Like a Kid

Some companies know that they have a certain smell, taste, or feel that consumers can attribute to their childhood. This nostalgic memory reminds them of a time in their life that was worry-free, which relates to Proustian Memories. Brands such as Johnson & Johnson, Campbell’s Soup, Coca Cola, and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese remind us of our childhood. Let’s take Campbell’s Soup the ultimate “Make Us Feel Like A Kid” brand. Many of us remember coming in from the cold and having a warm bowl of Campbell’s soup. How about Coca Cola, we all have some kind of fond memory that we’ve associated with holding a cold can of Coca Cola.

3. Help Us Escape

Who doesn’t want to escape the harsh reality of job responsibilities and adulting stress? Great examples of brands that do just that are Apple and Starbucks. If we look at the Apple Airpods it allows users to almost escape into their own world. Starbucks also allows consumers to escape, but it’s more of a physical escape.