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Emotion AI Changing Lives

Technology is getting smarter and smarter as each year passes and brands are grappling with how to incorporate the newest tech into their experiences. It seems like we can never keep up in time. But there are industries that are spearheading innovative ways to adjust to the fast pace of tech changes. Emotion AI is changing lives and the way we learn about each other and our customers. Today brands are striving to level up and really craft those personalized experiences that can only be done through understanding emotions and intent.

Here are some really creative ways industries and brands are including emotion AI into their offerings:

  1. Autonomous car. In the future, autonomous cars will have many interior sensors, including cameras and microphones, to monitor what is happening and to understand how users view the driving experience.

  2. Video gaming. Uses computer vision, the game console/video game to detect emotions via facial expressions during the game and adapts to it.

  3. Education. Learning software prototypes have been developed to adapt to kids’ emotions. When a child becomes frustrated because a task is too difficult or too simple, the program adapts the task so it becomes less or more challenging. Another learning system helps autistic children recognize other people’s emotions.

  4. Medical diagnosis. The software can now help doctors diagnose diseases such as depression and dementia by using voice analysis.

  5. Employee safety. Based on Gartner client inquiries, demand for employee safety solutions. Emotion AI help to analyze the stress and anxiety levels of employees with very demanding jobs such as first responders.

  6. Car safety. Automotive vendors use computer vision tech to monitor the driver’s emotional state. An extreme emotional state or drowsiness will trigger an alert for the driver.

  7. Public service. Partnerships between emotion AI technology vendors and surveillance camera providers have emerged. Cameras in public places in the United Arabic Emirates can detect people’s facial expressions and, hence, understand the general mood of the population. This project was initiated by the country’s Ministry of Happiness.

  8. Patient care. A ‘nurse bot’ not only reminds older patients to take their medication but also converses with them every day to monitor overall wellbeing.

  9. Fraud detection. Insurance use voice analysis to detect whether a customer is telling the truth when submitting a claim.

  10. Recruiting. The software is used during job interviews to understand a candidate’s credibility

  11. Call center intelligent routing. An angry customer can be detected from the beginning and can be routed to a well-trained agent who can also monitor in real-time.

  12. Connected home. A VPA-enabled speaker can recognize the mood of the person interacting with it and respond accordingly.

  13. Retail. Retailers have started looking into installing computer vision emotion AI technology in stores to capture demographic information and visitors’ mood and reactions.